Pennsylvania Primary 2024 Candidate Assessments

Our team has researched candidates in key races to provide voters with information on candidates’ track records related to antisemitism and Jewish wellbeing. We encourage all voters to consider our findings alongside other resources to understand each candidate as broadly as possible.

These assessments were published on April 1, 2024 based on information then available.

PA-12 Democratic Primary

Bhavini Patel

Limited relevant information is available about Bhavini Patel’s record in her capacity as Edgewood Borough Councilperson.  Since declaring her candidacy, Patel has been a presence at Jewish communal events and has gone on record repeatedly in support of mainstream Jewish concerns.

More about Bhavini Patel

Being an advocate for the Jewish community

In the immediate aftermath of the October 7 attacks, Bhavini Patel was present at community vigils, a presence which has continued in the months following the attack at multiple synagogues and Jewish Community Centers throughout the PIttsburgh region.  Bhavini also attended the March for Israel in Washington, D.C. as part of the Pittsburgh contingent.

Patel has unequivocally condemned the repeated antisemitic incidents that have occurred in Pennsylvania’s 12th district in the months since October 7. 

At the 14th Ward Independent Democratic Club forum, Patel spoke about the importance of engaging with and considering the Jewish community. 

Public statements

After October 7 Ms. Patel told the Pittsburgh Jewish Chronicle, “There was a terrorist attack in Israel by Hamas. Israel has the right to defend itself when 1,300 people are murdered. It’s pure evil. There will be a response to that. We cannot allow Hamas to exist.”

In October 2023, Patel “[condemned] in the strongest terms” a spate of antisemitic graffiti in Pittsburgh.  She stated to the Jewish Chronicle, “This type of behavior has no place in our community.”  She added in March 2024 on X, “Jewish families here in Pittsburgh deserve to live safely – and express themselves without threats of violence.”

In the March 2024 14th Ward Independent Democratic Club forum, Patel spoke out against people and groups that are “amplifying terrorist propaganda” and “stoking hatred.”

In the Beacon Candidate Questionnaire Patel discussed the need to combat antisemitism through education and awareness. She said, “As a member of Congress, I would work hard to support the Biden Administration’s comprehensive National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism [which] outlines a comprehensive approach combating antisemitism, extremism, and white-nationalism..”


Not applicable.


Endorsed by the majority of Pittsburgh Jewish community leaders.

Summer Lee

Summer Lee has served in the U.S. House of Representatives since 2023.  While she has done outreach to her local Jewish constituents, especially since October 7, her voting record in the House largely reflects extreme minority positions on issues related to antisemitism and Israel.  Twice a plurality of rabbis from her district have called her out on her voting record and divisive rhetoric.

More about Summer Lee

Being an advocate for the Jewish community

Rep. Lee expressed her condolences after the Tree of Life shooting in Pittsburgh in 2018 and has consistently advocated against white supremacy.  In the aftermath of the verdict, she stated that the victims “inspire me to work even harder to confront the root causes of hatred, racism, and bigotry so that no community has to live in fear of such senseless violence ever again.”  Lee helped to secure funding for the new Tree of Life and the 10.27 Healing Partnership.

Since October 7, 40+ clergy serving Lee’s constituents have twice shared public letters expressing concern at Representative Lee’s divisive rhetoric and lack of engagement with her Jewish constituents.  After the first letter, Rep. Lee attended a press conference with Rabbis for Ceasefire in Washington, D.C. and praised those rabbis as “courageous” and “bold” and “medicine to my heart,” in contrast to the rabbis representing her district.

Rep. Lee was scheduled to speak at a CAIR event in February 2024 alongside a speaker who has used overtly antisemitic language. She canceled her appearance after criticism from Governer Shapiro and other elected officials. 

Rep. Lee has not attended any of her district’s weekly “Bring Them Home” vigils, nor any of the Pittsburgh Jewish Federation-organized events, all of which have been attended by other elected officials and candidates.

Public statements

Since October 7, Rep. Lee has shared misinformation both on her Facebook page and in person at the 14th Ward Independent Democratic candidate meeting about the war between Israel and Hamas, repeating the debunked story that Israel bombed the Al-Alhi hospital and the false statistic that the war has a 99% civilian casualty rate.  

In explaining her decision to join just 13 other representatives in voting against a December 2023 House resolution condemning antisemitism, Rep. Lee put out a statement explaining that because she felt the resolution incorrectly linked anti-Zionism and antisemitism, “I refuse to vote for any resolution that will force me to call my Jewish and Israeli constituents antisemitic.”

Rep. Lee has called out right-wing antisemitism, including distributing a press release protesting Pastor John Hagee’s inclusion in the November 2023 March for Israel.

In interviews and on social media, Rep. Lee often conflates the Palestinian cause with the plight of Black Americans, inflaming tensions locally.  Rep. Lee has also used language that is harmful to Black-Jewish relations, such as, “AIPAC is an existential threat to the Black community and its right to self determination.”  

In response to antisemitic vandalism in PA-12 in October 2023, Rep. Lee said, “I condemn these actions in the strongest possible terms. I will continue doing everything in my power to fight back against hate and ensure our Jewish community feels safe and protected.”

Both before and after October 7, Rep. Lee has spoken in favor of conditioning aid to Israel and decriminalizing BDS tactics. 


On April 25, 2023, Lee was one of 19 representatives to vote against House Resolution 311, a resolution honoring America’s relationship with Israel on the 75th anniversary of its independence.

Since October 7, Rep. Lee’s voting record in the House largely reflects extreme minority positions on issues related to the safety of Jews in the United States and allyship with the State of Israel:

  • Rep. Lee was one of 14 to vote no on resolution H. Res. 894 – Strongly condemning and denouncing the drastic rise of antisemitism in the United States and around the world (December 2023)
  • Rep. Lee was one of 10 to vote no on resolution H. Res. 771 – Standing with Israel as it defends itself against the barbaric war launched by Hamas and other terrorists (October 2023)
  • Rep. Lee was one of 23 to vote no on resolution H. Res. 798 – Condemning the support of Hamas, Hezbollah, and other terrorist organizations at institutions of higher education, which may lead to the creation of a hostile environment for Jewish students, faculty, and staff (November 2023)
  • Rep. Lee was one of 46 to vote no on resolution H. Res. 340 – Hamas and Other Palestinian Terrorist Groups International Financing Prevention Act (November 2023)
  • Rep. Lee was one of 180 to vote no on H. Res. 7217 – Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024 (February 2024)

Votes with the majority:

  • Rep. Lee was one of 422 to vote yes on H. R. 6679 – No Immigration Benefits for Hamas Terrorists Act (October 2023)
  • Rep. Lee was one of 414 to vote yes on H. Res. 793 – Calling on Hamas to immediately release hostages taken during October 2023 attack on Israel (November 2023)


  • Rep. Lee is closely aligned with Rashida Tlaib, Cori Bush, and other members of “the Squad,” an informal group of far-left Congresspeople whose fringe votes on Jewish and Israel issues are similar to her own.
  • Rep. Lee takes money from CAIR, whose leadership has repeatedly justified the October 7 attacks on Israel.
  • Rep. Lee’s campaign volunteers and vocal supporters include a large contingent of far-left, antisemitic voices

Our take

Summer Lee, the incumbent in this race, has a long track record of divisive language and votes despite the numerous conversations she has had with concerned Jewish residents and leaders in her district.  We strongly support Bhavini Patel in this race.

PA District 34 Democratic Primary

Abigail Salisbury

Abigail Salisbury has served in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives since 2023.  Rep. Salisbury has been a leading voice in the Jewish Caucus in Harrisburg.  She voted in favor of the hate crime bills that came up during her term.  She played a key role in activating the local Jewish community to fight the scheduling of the Pennsylvania primary on Passover.

More about Abigail Salisbury

Being an advocate for the Jewish community

Rep. Salisbury is a founding member of Pennsylvania’s Jewish Legislative Caucus.

Rep. Salisbury was at the forefront of advocacy in the unsuccessful effort to move the Pennsylvania primary date off Passover.  She connected with every member of the Pennsylvania State House and Senate and with numerous local Jewish community leaders throughout Pittsburgh.  

Since October 7, Rep Salisbury has attended several vigils with the Jewish Community calling for the release of the hostages taken by Hamas. 

Public statements

Rep. Salisbury frequently posts on her social media to advocate for Jewish concerns and to educate on antisemitism.  For example, in September 2023, she posted, ​​”Reminder that if you hold ‘community’ programming on days when Jews can’t attend, you’re making a statement about who you consider to be part of your ‘community.’”  In November 2023, she posted, “‘I don’t support candidates who don’t support people in the LGBT+ community.’ If you don’t have an issue with that statement, but you had a problem yesterday with my post saying I don’t support people who don’t support Jews, you may want to examine why that is.”


Rep. Salisbury co-sponsored a memorandum to designate May 2024 as “Jewish American Heritage Month.”

Rep. Salisbury sponsored the suite of hate crimes legislation passed by the Pennsylvania General Assembly, including:

  • HB 1027, An Act amending Titles 18 (Crimes and Offenses) and 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in assault, further providing for the offense of ethnic intimidation; and, in particular rights and immunities, further prohibiting civil rights violations (passed Oct. 31, 2023)
  • HB 1024, An Act amending Titles 18 (Crimes and Offenses), 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) and 53 (Municipalities Generally) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in assault, further providing for ethnic intimidation; in particular rights and immunities, further providing for civil rights violations; and, in employees, further providing for definitions and providing for annual officer training on hate-based intimidation (passed Oct. 31, 2023)

Rep. Salisbury sponsored HR245, A Resolution urging the Congress of the United States to provide the State of Israel with the support necessary to ensure its safety and security and condemning the terrorist attack in Israel by Hamas.


Rep. Salisbury’s endorsements include State Representative Jordan Harris, co-chair of the Black-Jewish Caucus.

Ashley Comans

Limited relevant information is available about Ashley Comans’ record in her capacity as a School Board Director for the Wilkinsburg School District.  She published an op-ed opposing the Passover primary date.  Comans has spoken about her desire to serve as Summer Lee’s support at the state level, and she is actively campaigning with her.

More about Ashley Comans

Being an advocate for the Jewish community

In December 2023 Ashley Comans published an op-ed in the Pittsburgh City Paper in favor of moving the date of the primary off of Passover. 

In response to the Beacon Candidate Questionnaire Comans wrote, “I know we must root out hate and discrimination in all of its forms because it is the greatest threat to our solidarity. We must work together to live better and safer lives that we all deserve.”  She added,  “My Jewish constituents and other Jewish community members will be some of my closest coalition partners because this work should include everyone. This office must include the voices of marginalized people and I am committed to representing all of my community.

Public statements

Ms. Comans attended the “Light the World” Chanukah candle lighting event at the Pittsburgh Jewish Community Center in December 2023 where she heard from survivors of the October 7 attacks in Israel. She said “Hearing these stories powerfully moved me and deepened my commitment to root out hate and intolerance.”

In April 2022, when her now-opponent Abigail Salisbury was running against Summer Lee in the District 34 Democratic primary, Ashley said on her podcast, “Right now we have a white woman who is running against Summer.  As a resident of Wilkinsburg, how do you feel like you can represent me and my needs and the needs of a majority of the people in this community?” (Rep. Salisbury is Jewish.)

At a March 2024 joint fundraiser for Rep. Summer Lee and Comans, Comans said, “We know that our leaders like Summer can’t continue to push and fight if they don’t have the support here, so I am ready to be that partner.”


Not applicable.


Comans regularly interacts on social media in positive ways with far-left, antisemitic voices, including liking numerous posts supporting a unilateral ceasefire in Gaza.

Comans posted in February 2024 on Instagram, “Extremely thankful to have the endorsement of County Councilwoman Bethany Hallam!”  (Hallam is the Allegheny County councilperson who sponsored the ceasefire resolution and shared a tweet on Oct. 7 celebrating Hamas’ actions.)

Our take

Abigail Salisbury, the incumbent in this race, has a proven track record of supporting Pennsylvania’s Jewish community at the state level and working with local Jewish leaders in her region.  We strongly support Abigail Salisbury in this race. 

PA Treasurer Democratic Primary

Ryan Bizzarro ⭐

Ryan Bizzarro has been a member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives since 2012.  His voting record reflects support for strengthened hate crime legislation and for the State of Israel.  He has said he would maintain Pennsylvania’s Israel Bonds investments and has a history of public statements that are inclusive of the Jewish people.

More about Ryan Bizzarro

Being an advocate for the Jewish community

See Statements and Votes below.

Public statements

Pennsylvania’s Israel Bonds investment became an issue in this race when current Pennsylvania State Treasurer Stacy Garrity, who is up for re-election, purchased additional Israel Bonds in the aftermath of October 7.  Spotlight PA asked Bizzarro to comment on the investment in Feb. 2024.  He said in a statement he supports Pennsylvania’s current investment in Israel Bonds “because they contribute to the primary objective of advancing Pennsylvania’s financial objectives, while also having an added benefit of supporting a democracy.”  

In the same statement Bizzarro added that Israel “absolutely had the right to protect and defend its people.” 

Bizzarro has consistently made public statements on Facebook condemning local antisemitism dating back to at least 2017.  In October 2023, after the state legislature passed resolutions denouncing Hamas’ actions while reaffirming support for Israel, Bizzarro posted, “Terrorism and hate have no place in this world. This week, I was proud to stand with the Governor Josh Shapiro, Lt. Governor Austin Davis, the Pennsylvania House Majority Leadership team, and members of the Pennsylvania Jewish Legislative Caucus—including co-chairs Rep. Dan Frankel and Senator Judy Schwank—in support of the people of Israel. We must condemn terrorist groups like Hamas and realize they do not represent the will or desire of countless peaceful Muslims living in the Middle East and around the world.”


Rep. Bizzarro voted in favor of the suite of hate crimes legislation passed by the Pennsylvania General Assembly, including:

  • HB 1027, An Act amending Titles 18 (Crimes and Offenses) and 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in assault, further providing for the offense of ethnic intimidation; and, in particular rights and immunities, further prohibiting civil rights violations (passed Oct. 31, 2023)
  • HB 1024, An Act amending Titles 18 (Crimes and Offenses), 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) and 53 (Municipalities Generally) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in assault, further providing for ethnic intimidation; in particular rights and immunities, further providing for civil rights violations; and, in employees, further providing for definitions and providing for annual officer training on hate-based intimidation (passed Oct. 31, 2023)

Rep. Bizarro sponsored HR245, A Resolution urging the Congress of the United States to provide the State of Israel with the support necessary to ensure its safety and security and condemning the terrorist attack in Israel by Hamas.


Ryan Bizzarro has been endorsed by members of Pennsylvania’s Jewish Legislative Caucus, including Sen. Jay Costa and Rep. Abigail Salisbury.

Erin McClelland

Limited relevant information is available for Erin McClelland, as she has held no prior public office.  While we note her repeated statements that she would consider divesting from Pennsylvania’s Israel Bonds, we also note that she has been careful to couch her objections mostly in fiduciary terms.

More about Erin McClelland

Being an advocate for the Jewish community

No information available.

Public statements

Erin McClelland has not held a role that has required her to comment on issues related to Jews or Israel. 

Pennsylvania’s Israel Bonds investment became an issue in this race when current Pennsylvania State Treasurer Stacy Garrity, who is up for re-election, purchased additional Israel Bonds in the aftermath of October 7.  In mid-February McClelland tweeted at least 6 times in close succession to share her opposition to the state investing in Israel Bonds.  While most of her statements were couched in financial terms, she commented on Twitter in Feb. 2024 in response to a statement by Israel’s Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, “This disproportionate & inflammatory response from [Israel’s] Finance Minister is very alarming.”  A month after the issue originally came up, she used her strongest language yet, stating in a Facebook post, “I condemn both of their choices to invest workers’ pensions and taxpayer dollars into any foreign holdings, including Israel bonds.”

Her particular and repeated focus on this one investment is noteworthy.


Not applicable.

Our take

Ryan Bizzarro, who has 12 years of experience as an elected state official, has a proven track record of supporting Pennsylvania’s Jewish community.  We strongly support Ryan Bizzarro in this race. 

PA Attorney General Democratic Primary

Eugene DePasquale 

Eugene DePasquale has advocated against antisemitism and supported No Place for Hate resolutions dating back to 2007. He participated in a bipartisan trip to Israel in 2019 and recently spoke about his relationship with the Pittsburgh Jewish community at the Pittsburgh Vigil for Hostages in March 2024.

More about Eugene DePasquale

Being an advocate for the Jewish community

Eugene DePasquale attended the Pittsburgh Vigil for Hostages on March 17, 2024, where he spoke about his close ties with his local Jewish community in Squirrel Hill.

Mr. DePasquale amplified concerns about an antisemitic attack at a Harrisburg synagogue in 2020.  He participated in a bipartisan visit to Israel in 2019. 

Public statements

After October 7, DePasquale said, “These attacks on innocent Israeli civilians by Hamas are unacceptable. They warrant world condemnation and outrage. I visited Israel in 2019 including areas along the Gaza Strip. I stand in solidarity against terror and with the people of Israel.”

DePasquale publicly called out antisemitic incidents prior to October 7, including on college campuses and in the aftermath of the Tree of Life shooting in Pittsburgh in 2018.


When Mr. DePasquale was a state representative, he supported ADL’s No Place for Hate Day resolutions in the Pennsylvania State House in 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012.

Joe Khan

Joe Khan attended the Pittsburgh Vigil for Hostages in March 2024 and spoke about minority safety. While he does not have a relevant history of voting or public statements, he did return the Beacon Candidate Questionnaire, in which he told us that antisemitic conspiracy theories and targeting Israel as a Jewish entity are “intolerable,” and that our legal system must protect groups at risk from hate.

More about Joe Khan

Being an advocate for the Jewish community

Khan reached out to the Jewish community in March 2024 when his campaign brought him to to Pittsburgh.  At that time he attended and spoke at the Pittsburgh Vigil for the Hostages on the topic of minority safety.

Public statements

We were unable to find relevant public statements from Mr. Khan.  In the Beacon Candidate Questionnaire, laid out his position that “Antisemitism – hatred of Jews, including insidious stereotypes and conspiracies as well as targeting Israel as a Jewish entity – is simply intolerable.” 

He added that as a “veteran hate crimes prosecutor,” he  “understands not only the threats of hatred and bigotry but also the need for our legal system to protect those who are at risk.” 


Not applicable.

Jared Solomon ⭐

Jared Solomon has served in the Pennsylvania State House since 2016. Solomon is the co-chair of the Black-Jewish Caucus and has a record of enlisting allies to stand united against antisemitism. Solomon’s legislative record reflects a desire to strengthen hate crime legislation, support Israel’s right to self-defense, and make voting accessible to Jewish people.

More about Jared Solomon

Being an advocate for the Jewish community

Rep. Solomon is a co-chair of the Pennsylvania Black-Jewish Caucus.  Rep. Solomon, along with his co-chair Rep. Jordan Harris, attended the Philly Stands with Israel event on October 13, 2023.  Rep. Solomon also attended and addressed the Squirrel Hill Vigil for Hostages in March 2024.

In 2020, when the Philadelphia head of the NAACP posted an antisemitic caricature of a Jewish man, Rep. Solomon and Rep. Harris co-authored an op-ed calling out the antisemitism. 

Also in 2020, when a member of the Pennsylvania General Assembly compared vaccine requirements to Nazi Germany, Rep. Solomon said, “When you begin to talk about the Nazi regime as a reference point, you undermine the experience of not just the Jews who have perished, not just the Jews who have suffered antisemitism, but also their ancestors and Jews today who are constantly trying to make their memory real.”

Public statements

On a January 2024 episode of the Jewish Exponent podcast, Solomon said, “I would be the toughest Attorney General when it comes to hate crimes. Our community is under attack, extremism is on the rise, antisemitism is exploding across the country…[and] on our university campuses.”  He added, “As Attorney General I would form an anti-semitism / Islamophobia / bigotry task force…that ensures that whenever there is an instance of antisemitism we have the ability to call out the issue of antisemitism with a clear and crisp voice.” He specified that he specifically considers “antisemitic threats and acts” and “attempts to intimidate faith-based institutions” as hate crimes under Pennsylvania law.


Rep. Solomon is a member of the Pennsylvania Jewish Legislative Caucus and a co-chair of the Black-Jewish Caucus.

In March 2024 Rep. Solomon co-sponsored a memorandum to designate May 2024 as “Jewish American Heritage Month.”

Rep. Solomon voted in favor of the suite of hate crimes legislation passed by the Pennsylvania General Assembly, including:

  • HB 1027, An Act amending Titles 18 (Crimes and Offenses) and 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in assault, further providing for the offense of ethnic intimidation; and, in particular rights and immunities, further prohibiting civil rights violations (passed Oct. 31, 2023)
  • HB 1024, An Act amending Titles 18 (Crimes and Offenses), 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) and 53 (Municipalities Generally) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in assault, further providing for ethnic intimidation; in particular rights and immunities, further providing for civil rights violations; and, in employees, further providing for definitions and providing for annual officer training on hate-based intimidation (passed Oct. 31, 2023)

Rep. Solomon sponsored HR245, A Resolution urging the Congress of the United States to provide the State of Israel with the support necessary to ensure its safety and security and condemning the terrorist attack in Israel by Hamas.


Rep. Solomon is endorsed by Rep. Abigail Salisbury.

Keir Bradford-Grey 

Limited relevant information is available for Keir Bradford-Grey.  She does not have a relevant history of voting or public statements, and she did not return the Beacon Candidate Questionnaire.

More about Keir Bradford-Grey

Being an advocate for the Jewish community

Not available.

Public statements

Not available.

Ms. Bradford-Grey did not respond to the Beacon Candidate Questionnaire. 


Not applicable.

Jack Stollsteimer 

Limited relevant information is available for Jack Stollsteimer.  He did return the Beacon Candidate Questionnaire, in which he suggested stronger hate crime legislation and law enforcement training as means to support the Jewish community.

More about Jack Stollsteimer

Being an advocate for the Jewish community

No information available.

Mr. Stollsteimer attended a Delaware County Chanukah party in December 2023.

Public statements

We could not find relevant public statements from Mr. Stollsteimer. 

In the Beacon Candidate Questionnaire, Mr. Stollsteimer referenced an occasion in which he supported Israel in front of a hostile audience. 

In the Questionnaire,  he laid out the robust legal approach he would follow to address antisemitism if elected, including legal, policy, and law enforcement steps.


Not applicable.

Our take

We recommend Eugene DePasquale, Joe Khan, and Jared Solomon as candidates who have shown past and ongoing support for the Jewish community. We strongly recommend Jared Solomon due to the strength of his record in building allyship, combatting antisemitism, and directly addressing antisemitism from both sides.

PA Auditor General Democratic Primary

Malcolm Kenyatta ⭐

Malcolm Kenyatta has served in the Pennsylvania State House since 2018, where he sponsored bills to strengthen hate crime legislation and to move the 2023 election date away from Passover. Kenyatta has advocated against antisemitism and for Israel’s right to self-defense. 

More about Malcolm Kenyatta

Being an advocate for the Jewish community

On Rep. Kenyatta’s social media accounts he regularly calls out antisemitism and hate speech whether it come from celebrities, national politicians, colleagues in the PA General Assembly or when Jews have been attacked. He has also spoken up to condemn instances of discrimination against Jewish-owned businesses.

In 2021 Rep. Kenyatta spoke out against an antisemitic incident in Philadelphia when a food truck serving Israeli cuisine was removed from an event.  Rep. Kenyatta has also supported hate crime legislation as far back as 2019.  See more in Votes below.

Public statements

After October 7th, Rep. Kenyatta attended a ‘Philly Stands with Israel’ event and said, “Tonight, we stood in solidarity with Israel and against the heinous terrorism of Hamas. Praying for all those whose lives have been upended by this unprovoked carnage.”  

When asked in January 2024 about the impact of ceasefire advocates on President Biden’s re-election campaign, he said that Biden is doing everything he can to improve the humanitarian situation and get to a diplomatic solution.

When campaigning for U.S. Senator in 2022,  Kenyatta said that he would “absolutely” vote to continue security funding for Israel and voiced support for the two-state solution for Israelis and Palestinians. Asked if he supported the Iran nuclear deal, Kenyatta called former President Trump’s policy of maximum pressure “maximum stupidity.” He said he supported the efforts to rejoin the agreement to ensure Iran never gets a nuclear weapon.

Rep. Kenyatta has participated in the American Jewish Committee (AJC) Project Interchange.  Rep. Kenyatta has also worked for multiple years as an anti-bias trainer for the ADL.  


Rep. Kenyatta sponsored the suite of hate crimes legislation passed by the Pennsylvania General Assembly:

  • HB 1027, An Act amending Titles 18 (Crimes and Offenses) and 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in assault, further providing for the offense of ethnic intimidation; and, in particular rights and immunities, further prohibiting civil rights violations (passed Oct. 31, 2023)
  • HB 1024, An Act amending Titles 18 (Crimes and Offenses), 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) and 53 (Municipalities Generally) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in assault, further providing for ethnic intimidation; in particular rights and immunities, further providing for civil rights violations; and, in employees, further providing for definitions and providing for annual officer training on hate-based intimidation (passed Oct. 31, 2023)

Rep. Kenyatta also sponsored HR245, A Resolution urging the Congress of the United States to provide the State of Israel with the support necessary to ensure its safety and security and condemning the terrorist attack in Israel by Hamas.

Rep. Kenyatta also sponsored a bill to change the 2023 Pennsylvania primary date to avoid conflicting with Passover.

Mark Pinsley

Mark Pinsley has spoken out against Jewish hate, most notably when pro-Palestinian activists went after a Jewish-owned restaurant in Philadelphia. However, Pinsley attended a rally on the Hamas-proclaimed “Day of Rage” where chants included “from the river to the sea.”

More about Mark Pinsley

Being an advocate for the Jewish community

Mark Pinsley wore a pin to participate in the movement to “Stand Up to Jewish Hate” and shared his support for the movement on Facebook.  

In December 2023 Pinsley called for support for Jewish Pennsylvanians when protestors in Philadelphia mobbed a Jewish-owned restaurant, drawing parallels to his childhood experiences of antisemitism and acknowledging the recent rise in antisemitic hate.

Public statements

Pinsley’s participation in the October 2023 “Amplify the Palestinian Voice” rally on the Hamas-declared “Day of Rage” came under scrutiny.  He described the demonstration as simply “calling for a cessation of hostilities between Israel and Hamas, and to end the blockade in Gaza,” however, the demonstration included chants of “from the river to the sea” and “stop the genocide.”

In August of 2020, as part of his promotion of a J Street event, Pinsley made the following comment: “U.S.-Israeli relations has become a complicated issue in the past few years. Israel is a great ally and friend to America, yet we see far-right propaganda and discrimination in the government. Zionists and anti-Palestinian zealots have engulfed the political system. In many ways, we have seen the same thing here in America. Our fight against persecution and one-mindedness will also progress the movements in Israel.”


None found.

Our take

Malcolm Kenyatta has a proven track record of supporting Pennsylvania’s Jewish community.  We strongly support Malcolm Kenyatta in this race.